Check out Okami Kreations, Cindy's new business Okami Kreations

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The WereDen

Hi all it's Jilli, still haven't fixed the 'Den yet but I'm getting on it now. . . Hopefully will be up in 3 weeks. Check out Okami Kreations *Cindy's Ebay business*, it is home to some really awesome stuff all anime/manga/cosplay related. If you don't see what you are looking for just let us know and we'll see about getting it there. (05/08/04)
Hey, all! It's Cindy too, we're moving! Thanks to all the eBayers buying my wonderous goodies, we bought our own domain! Wereden and Okami Kreation are both coming home. ^_^ It's a pretty good feeling, despite getting in trouble for having the laptop on Burger King's front counter . . . *shrugs* SEE YOU!